My Book

This year in Language Arts class, we read the book The Last Cuentista by Donna Barba Higueria, and I loved it! I really like how this book was in the future, and the concept of the whole plot. The main character’s name is Lita, and she is on a spaceship. They are going to be traveling for over 300 years, so they put her in a sleep chamber. Things don’t go to plan when she wakes up, and the story takes a turn. I totally recommend this book to all ages!

Another project I loved doing this year was the ideal world project, which was my personal favorite project all year. This was a project where you designed your own world in any way you wanted it to be. This project let my mind go wild with the endless amount of possibilities for it. I ended up making a planet that turned out amazing, and I also loved my classmates’ designs too! I ended up making a clay sculpture of the planet which you’ll see below!


The most recent project we did was my tree book! The tree book is a book we make out of paper with akua ink, and cut the pieces up and made pictures in our book! We also added the writing part of it was our ideal world project writing, and we made a cuento! I made my cuento about a childhood story about my dad, which was very sentimental to me, and he loved it! Overall, this was a fun year of projects in Language Arts class!


Window Vs. Mirror Book


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I have recently been reading the book Space Case by Stuart Gibbs. So far I have been really liking the plot of the book and the characters. It’s about a boy and his family living on the moon, and he doesn’t like it. But then all of the sudden, someone dies. That’s when the story gets interesting.

In class over the last couple weeks we’ve been talking about window and mirror books. A window book is a book where you don’t relate to the book at all. A mirror book you can relate to with either the characters or the setting or just the story in general!

This book for me is a window book because he is living in space, he has a younger sister, and everything about his day is different than mine besides brushing my teeth. I personally don’t care if the book is a mirror or window, but it can sometimes be fun to read a book about someone or something that’s like you. Overall I’m really enjoying this book!




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